Published on Sunday, April 3rd, 2022 10:57:54 PM

Great Awakenings

Great Awakenings

Published on Sunday, April 3rd, 2022 10:57:54 PM

It's that moment you began to notice unique synchronicities showing up as if they're following you around (like triple numbers), you find yourself feeling delusional, overworked, underappreciated, and everyone, or everything around you appears to feel like a heavy karmic burden, or situation. It can be a lonely feeling or suffering in silence feeling that no one can comprehend what it is that you truly feel inside.

Traumas are triggered sending you into hermit mode trying to figure out the path that brought you to your current destination. Along that lonely walk to ascension, you take a look down memory lane connecting the dots or the dos, and the don'ts of forward movement. Awakenings are powerful and can be triggered by past life as well as current life traumas coming up for upheaval and healing. Some awakenings are activated in near-death experiences allowing some to do an actual time shift.

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

The thought of setting out on a spiritual journey can daunting to some. Each journey is unique, thus so will be the experience. Solitude becomes a safe haven until life can processed properly, and one can come to cope with current overwhelming abundance of circumstances taking place simultaneously. Life can feel like tailspin.

Spiritual awakenings can be built up on current triggers as simple as a life changing event, or sometimes no triggers at all but can take place spontaneously. Karmic connections with karmic partners can be definite triggers as well. Karmic partners have spiritual contracts to come in during a certain season of one's life to guide them through experiences attached to lessons in growth, spirituality, and self-love.

Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash

These events and experiences walk you on this path to promote your healing process removing any, or all blockages that prevent you from moving forward to the next level of your journey. They may not be the most pleasant lessons at times, but they are necessary.

Healing, and growing brings you closer to the Divine. The more attuned you are, the more tapped in you are to the spiritual realm. You're introduced to those help to protect, and to guide you along your journey here on Gaia. Surely all of this work on self does not go in vain as there are rewards of spiritual abilities and abundance for a job well done!